Shoulder Impingement

shoulder impingement

What is Shoulder Impingement? Shoulder pain is one of the most common physical complaints people experience. The shoulder is a complex structure consisting of several components. Let’s take a moment and have an anatomy lesson to further explore all these important structures. The shoulder is a “ball and socket” joint, which gives us all the…

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Standing Desk – is it for you?

Is it time for a standing desk

Standing Desks – “Sitting is the new smoking”. Have you heard this new medical thought? We live in a technology-driven world and with that, we compromise movement in order to complete our work, hobbies, and entertainment. Many find themselves sitting at a desk in front of the computer for hours upon hours, which is now believed…

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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care: An Overview

Dr. Miller performing an adjustment - A chiropractor is a health-care professional who focuses on the body’s ability to heal itself. Can chiropractic care help you maintain your wellbeing?

A chiropractor is a musculoskeletal expert and health-care professional who focuses on the body’s ability to heal itself. They use modalities such as adjustments and soft-tissue massage to both restore joint function and support the nervous system. Chiropractors focus on diagnosis, prevention, and care of spine-related disorders and other issues. They help patients maintain their…

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