myocalm, relaxx, muscle relaxer

Muscle Relaxer

Muscle Relaxer

Most people have experienced a muscle cramp, spasm, or prolonged tension at some point in their life. Sometimes these symptoms will only last for a few moments while other times the symptoms can last for days. When these symptoms present, they can interfere with daily function and sleep. Everyone has heard of a muscle relaxer. However, most patients who have tried prescription muscle relaxers may get relief but get frustrated with some of the common side effects that come along with the prescription. These include extreme drowsiness, brain fog, and weakness. If you are looking for a great option to help manage the muscle tension and spasms but leave the side effects behind, we have a solution!

Here at Miller Sports & Family Chiropractic, we carry TWO brands of natural muscle relaxers.

The RE-LAXX muscle relaxer:

Our well-known nutritional supplier, Nutritional Frontiers has created a product designed specifically to help reduce these muscular symptoms called RE-LAXX.

What is in RE-LAXX?

  • Vitamin C – supports collagen production and provides antioxidant protection
  • Magnesium AND Malic acid – best used together to increase energy production and nourish muscles and nerves
  • Calcium – deficiency of calcium alone can cause muscle cramps (especially night leg cramps)
  • Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) – an amino acid that attaches to a receptor in the brain, creating a calming effect.
  • Chamomile flower – a well-known herb to reduce spasms and decrease anxiety and inflammation
  • Lemon balm – like chamomile, it can reduce spams and decrease anxiety
  • Passionflower – used for decades in the herbology world as a pain reliever
  • Valerian – improves spasms, insomnia, and anxiety. When combined with passionflower, it has well known to help reduce anxiety

With all these well-researched ingredients, some patients have noticed relief occurring within 15 minutes of taking this supplement!

How to take it

The recommended dose is 4 capsules daily as needed. This product should not be taken if you are taking a prescription anti-anxiety or anti-depression medication. For patients younger than 12 years old, 2 capsules are recommended.

The MyoCalm & MyoCalm Plus muscle relaxer:

The second muscle relaxer we carry is through a company called Metagenics. They have created two variations of their product, one called MyoCalm and one called MyoCalm Plus.  We recommend using MyoCalm during the day and MyoCalm Plus at night.

What is in MyoCalm?

*The ingredients are very similar to what is found in RE-LAXX. Please reference above to learn about the benefits of each ingredient.

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Passionflower
  • Valerian root extract

How to take it

It is recommended to take 2 tables up to 3 times daily. We recommend taking 2 tables, waiting 2-4 hours and assess your symptoms. If symptoms persist, take 2 more tables. Wait 2-4 hours and assess again. If symptoms remain, take 2 more tablets.

What is in MyoCalm Plus?

*The ingredients are very similar to what is found in RE-LAXX. Please reference above to learn about the benefits of each ingredient.

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Passionflower
  • Valerian root extract
  • Hops cone extract – used to alleviate pain and stiffness associated with muscle injury; also used for anxiety, insomnia, and various sleep disorders
  • Lemon Balm leaf – used to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep patterns

Due to the two added sleep aid ingredients, we recommend using MyoCalm Plus if your symptoms are present at night and interfering with your sleep.

How to take it

We recommend taking 2 tables at night before bed. If your symptoms persist, 3 tablets may be taken at night before bed.

With the addition of any supplement or medication: if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or nursing, please consult your healthcare provider.

Contact us today!

If you are experiencing muscle spasm, cramping, or tension and looking for natural relief, ask us about these great products. The best part, all three of these supplements are very affordable. We also have samples of all three products if you want to try it out first before buying! Ask us today.

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